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Entries in chicken tractor (1)


the chickens first three weeks on pasture {part one}

this is a video from about two weeks ago when we moved our chicks out to pasture.  it is remarkable how much bigger they are today than in this video.  i'll make sure to post it soon.

seven am at the backyard moon.  farmer root and farmhand nick wake up with me at first light to do the deed.  our friend dan, from darby farms, reccomended we transfer the young chicks into crates while it was still dark, in order to catch them in as stress freee of a way as possible.  not having crates, we came up with the half brilliant/half moronic plan of just transporting them in the bed of my truck.  for the most part, it worked pretty well, but i think we can work out a few kinks for next time. 

for those of you in the athens or atlanta area, make sure you look into buying your chickens from darby farm